Welfare Rights

Last updated: 14/02/2020

Our advisers will provide you with support, advice and information to help you to navigate the welfare system and ensure you receive what you are entitled to.

Money and Debt advice

Our Financial Inclusion team can also advise you on money and debt advice.

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Our service team

As part of our Financial Inclusion service, our advisers will provide you with support, advice and information to help you to navigate the welfare system and ensure you receive what you are entitled to.

We understand the issues that single parents face and that you are adversely affected by welfare reform, especially young single parents, our services are tailored to specifically meet the needs of single parents. The Financial Inclusion Service at OPFS has a wealth of knowledge and experience and an excellent reputation for delivering a service to clients.

What we offer

Our advisers can support you with:

  • check what benefits you may be entitled to
  • support you to claim
  • support around Universal Credit
  • representation at benefit appeals and tribunals.

The advisers have up-to-date information on new welfare reforms, universal credit, sanctions and conditionality.

We are a proud member of the Glasgow Advice and Information Network and we are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

“It was the housing benefit cap that did me in. I was just about managing, but when that came in it all went wrong. I was referred by the Jobcentre. They gave me this number and I met with One Parent Families Scotland. They took all the stress away from me. I think the staff are like angels. They must have wings.”

- Single parent, Glasgow


Find out more about the welfare rights advice offered by our local services at the links below, where you can also find their contact details.