OPFS signs joint letter urging Labour government to include single parents in new Child Poverty Strategy

OPFS is one of 10 single parent organisations to sign a joint letter to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and the Secretary of State for Education asking that single parent families are at the heart of the Child Poverty Strategy development process.
The new Labour Government has set up a Child Poverty Taskforce which will develop a Child Poverty Strategy, due to be published Spring 2025. This Strategy development process is critically important for single parent families, 44% of whom live in poverty. That’s why, together with Single Parent Rights, Single Mums Business Network CIC, Single Parents Wellbeing CIC, Single Parents Support and Advice Services, Asian Single Parents Network, Neesie, BAME Lone Parents and Frolo, we wrote to the co-Chairs of the Taskforce – the Secretaries of State for Education and Work & Pensions – to ask them to include single parents as a key stakeholder throughout this process. You can download the letter we sent them below and read about it in the Byline Times.
Download Child Maintenance and its impact on child poverty and financial security