Welfare Reform
See our research and submissions to consultations below.
Single Parent Families in Crisis - the impact of the Two-Child Policy
This briefing paper, aimed at Scottish MPs, highlights the impact of the two-child limit on single parent families and why we think it should be abolished in the UK October 2024 budget.
Impact of UK welfare policies in Scotland
Submission to The Scottish Affairs Committee inquiry says welfare reform and the freezing of social security payments are the key cause of a dramatic increase in child poverty in single parent families.
CPAG / OPFS Benefit Cap - Impact in Scotland Report
The benefit cap, imposed in 2013 and further restricted to an even lower rate in 2016, has reduced the income of tens of thousands of the country’s poorest families.
Single Parent Families and Poverty in Scotland
We believe tackling child poverty should be an immediate policy priority for the Westminster and Scottish Governments.
Social Security and In-Work Poverty Inquiry
Submission to the Scottish Parliament’s Social Security Committee inquiry into social security and in-work poverty.
Single Parent Families, Benefit Conditionality and Wellbeing - Why conditionality is unnecessary, unjust and ineffective
This OPFS research shows the present benefits conditionality regime disproportionately affects vulnerable single parents, particularly those who have poor health or are disabled, often leaving them distressed, impoverished and reliant on food banks.
Universal Credit: Single Parents – Gender Issues
For most of the benefits being replaced by Universal Credit, women make up the clear majority of claimants.
Benefit sanctions policy beyond the Oakley Review
Submission to the Westminster’s Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into benefit sanctions policy.