Budgeting and debt planner

Being a single parent is a 24/7 job, but for many single parents it has become a lot harder due to the rising costs of living. When you find you can’t cover all your monthly bills, it’s easy to get into debt, which adds to the stress you may already be under.

OPFS has put together this self help guide to help you to do a weekly budget which you can use when contacting your creditors.

Use this budgeting tool to help you understand:

  • what you’re earning and spending
  • where you might be able to cut costs.

Before you start

The tool will be most useful if you provide accurate figures. Make sure you include all your expenses, for example money you spend on your partner or family.

Information you will need before you start:

  • bank statements
  • payslips
  • debit and credit card statements or bills
  • receipts for things you usually pay for in cash.

If you need more help we have information on:

After you complete your budget, you will be able to save it or print it out.

Your Summary

Personal Totals

Your income


Your bills




Debt Totals

Your priority debts


Your non-priority debts


Unallocated money
