Carer's Allowance Supplement and Young Carer Grant
Last updated: 10/05/2024
The Scottish Government is paying an extra money to carers in Scotland called the Carer’s Allowance Supplement and Young Carer Grant.
Carer’s Allowance - The latest Scottish Government announcement
Carer’s Allowance will continue to be paid even when the carer is unable to provide care due to self-isolation or infection of coronavirus to either them or their cared for person.
The care provided can now include mental and emotional care and not just physical.
Read more from the Scottish GovernmentRelated Content
Further information on Disability, sickness and care benefits.
Carer’s Allowance Supplement
The Scottish Government is paying an additional amount of money to people in receipt of Carer’s Allowance in Scotland. It is called the Carer’s Allowance Supplement.
How much is it?
Carer’s Allowance Supplement is an extra payment for people in Scotland who get Carer Support Payment or Carer’s Allowance on a particular date.
Carer’s Allowance Supplement is paid 2 times a year.
June 2024 payment
The next payment will be £288.60. You’ll get this payment if you’re getting Carer Support Payment or Carer’s Allowance on 8 April 2024. If you’re due to get a payment, you’ll get a letter from Social Security Scotland before the payment is made.
December 2024 payment
This payment will be £288.60. You’ll get this payment if you’re getting Carer Support Payment or Carer’s Allowance on 7 October 2024. If you’re due to get a payment, you’ll get a letter from Social Security Scotland before the payment is made.
How to apply
You do not have to apply for this payment. If you qualify it will be automatically paid into your bank account.
For more details see the Scottish Government’s Carer’s Allowance Supplement information. You can also call the Carer’s Allowance Supplement helpline on 0800 182 2222.
Young Carer Grant
You may get a Young Carer Grant if you care for someone who is getting Personal Independence Payment daily living component, Disability Living Allowance or Child Disability Payment care component at middle or highest rate or Attendance Allowance.
Who can get a Young Carer Grant?
- You normally live in Scotland
- You are aged 16, 17 or 18
- You are not entitled to Carer’s Allowance on the day you claim
- You are caring for someone, or for more than one person, who has a disability or illness
- You are providing care for at least 16 hours a week on average
- No-one else has received a Young Carer Grant in respect of the person you care for in the last year.
Care means being involved in an activity to promote the physical, mental or emotional well being of the person, or people, you are caring for. If you care for more that one person the number of hours you provide care can be added together. You must not be providing this care under a contract or voluntarily.
How much is it?
The Young Carer Grant is paid once a year and is £383.75. You can only get three grants in total.
How to apply
You can can download a paper application form or apply for the young carer grant online at or by calling Social Security Scotland on 0800 182 2222.