Partnerships, Advisory Groups and Strategic Forums
One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) staff participate in a range of local and national partnerships, advisory groups and forums to influence policy, strategy, service design and implementation.

OPFS’ Director, Satwat Rehman is a member of:
- Scottish Government’s Early Learning and Childcare Strategic Forum
- First Minister’s National Advisory Council for Women and Girls
- was a member of the Independent Care Review’s Components of Care Workgroup.

Anti-Poverty work
OPFS works closely with the End Child Poverty (Scotland) coalition of charities which works in partnership with End Child Poverty UK. We support the All Kids Count campaign call for the two-child limit on benefit payments to be lifted. OPFS is a member of the Poverty Alliance and work closely with CPAG in Scotland.
We are an active member of the Scottish Campaign on Rights to Social Security (SCORSS) which believes in a social security system that prevents poverty and supports those in need whilst also protecting their dignity.

Parenting Across Scotland
We are a founding member of Parenting Across Scotland which is a partnership of charities which offers support to children and families in Scotland with a focus on support for parents and carers.

National partnerships
Across the UK we work closely with other single parent organisations including Gingerbread, One Family and Parenting NI with the aim of influencing policy at a UK level.

Strategic Forums
We are members of the Children’s Sector Strategic Forum and joint leads for the Forum’s work on child poverty. The forum, run by Children in Scotland, takes a pro-active and evidence-based approach to improving children’s lives at a national level. Membership is made up of Children in Scotland members who hold senior positions within the children’s sector.
Interested in working with us?
If your organisation is interested in working in partnership with One Parent Families Scotland, please get in touch at