Child Support Collection (Domestic Abuse) Bill briefing

Last updated: 05/06/2023

Read One Parent Families Scotland and Scottish Women’s Aid briefing paper on the UK Government bill on improving the experiences of survivors accessing the Child Maintenance Service

It is quite simply indefensible for someone to be charged a fee by the government for help with accessing essential financial support for their child from their abusive ex-partner. At the same time, single mothers tell us they’ve avoided asking to be moved onto Collect and Pay because their ex would face a 20% charge and this would escalate hostility and put themselves and their child at greater risk.

- Satwat Rehman, OPFS CEO

We believe the UK Child Support Collection (Domestic Abuse) Bill is a positive step in the right direction to better supporting and protecting survivors of domestic abuse accessing the Child Maintenance Service. In this paper, we set out further steps that we believe should be taken to improve the experience, improve the financial security and reduce the risks of survivors using the service.