Just separated

Information on the issues and concerns if you have just separated from your partner.


Your income after separation

It is likely that the money you have to live on will decrease when you become a single parent but there may be financial support from welfare benefits and child maintenance depending on your circumstances.


Where will I live after separating?

Where you are going to live after you separate from your partner is likely to be one of the main things you’ll have to consider.


Sorting belongings, assets and debt after separating

As well as your home there may be other property, assets, belongings and debts that you and your ex-partner need to divide.


Making plans for your children after your separation

When you separate from your partner you both need to agree on how you continue to care for your children.


What if my ex-partner is abusive?

Domestic abuse is not uncommon. It is when one person in a relationship tries to dominate and control the other person.


Divorce and Dissolution of a Civil Partnership

Grounds for divorce and dissolution and information on the process.


Using a solicitor

You may want or need to use a solicitor when you are separating from your partner.


Help to pay for legal services

If you are on a low income you may be entitled to legal assistance to help pay for the service provided by your solicitor or legal aid to help with the costs of going to court.


Services to help with a separation

There may be situations during the process of separation when you need legal support and advice. Here are some services that could be useful.