Wellbeing tips

Last updated: 27/09/2021

Share your ‘tip of the week’

What’s worked for you this week? What advice would you give to a friend who needs a bit of support? Whatever’s worked for you, could be just the thing for someone else.

This week’s tip of the week

Allow yourself to feel envious of others but never compare. You are only 1 person and not an octopus.

- Katie, single parent

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Wellbeing tips for you

Send us your tip

Your tip can be on anything you like: taking care of yourself, coping with stress, or perhaps connecting with others. It’s up to you.

We’ll share your tip in our latest tips and around the wellbeing pages of this website for other single parents to try.

You can send us your tip by filling in the simple form below. You don’t need to give us your name or any other details.

My tip of the week is:

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