Our Falkirk service

View our range of support services for single parents below.

Falkirk services

One-to-one support

  • If your child attends any school in the Upper or Lower Braes, or Grangemouth wards. Please contact us if you are interested in a family support service.
  • We can meet with you either in your home, in our Family Centre or in a suitable place of your choice.
  • We will spend time with you to address issues you are facing.
  • We will support you to access other areas of our services that can help.
  • Our free helpline is also available for confidential one-to-one advice and information including benefit checks. This is free to call from all mobiles and landlines Mon-Fri 9.30am-4pm. Webchat is also available

Groups, activities and information sessions

  • Living in a village can be isolating. Getting involved in groups can help you stay connected with other single parents, have fun and be part of your community.
  • Family and parent-focused groups, run throughout the year, giving you a chance to chat to other parents or join in with the activities.
  • We provide six-week courses to support single parents. They help single parents: regain confidence, gain skills, and develop a social network. You will also get the chance to gain qualifications in First Aid and Food Hygiene. Location: Kersiebank Community Centre, Grangemouth. Next course starts on Tuesday 16 January 2024. Contact Employment Training unit in Falkirk or Martin Murray if interested.
  • Specialist groups run throughout the year. Watch this space for upcoming groups and activities.
  • Outings take place during the summer holidays and at Christmas, giving you and your child a chance to socialize with other single parent families.
  • Single parent forum – register with our online forum to chat with other single parents across Scotland.

Health and wellbeing

  • OPFS Falkirk offer a one-to-one counselling service for single parents. This is available by appointment on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. We have both female and male counsellors. Let us know if you would prefer to attend to go to our Family Centre in Forgie Cresent, Maddiston; or at St James Centre on Thornhill Road, Falkirk.
  • Being a single parent can be very rewarding and very challenging. Life events such as a relationship breakdown, house eviction, job loss and bereavement can lead to unmanageable increases in anxiety levels, feelings of helplessness and loneliness.
  • We also know that asking for help can be hard for so many different reasons, which may include a sense of feeling judged, being viewed as not coping, experiencing feelings of guilt and shame, and sometimes thinking that our issues are not important enough.
  • We have a health and wellbeing tool on our website called My Life and Me, that you can work through yourself or with one of our Family Support Workers.

Cost of living crisis

  • We offer practical support to local single parent families in need, with our school uniform and emergency supplies cupboard. These include items kindly donated to us from local businesses.
  • Our Lone Parent Helpline can offer help and guidance with finance, benefit checks, income maximisation, debt, and money management. We can also assist you to find local organizations that may be able to offer help with this and  we have a debt and budget tool on our website,
  • Currently we do not have any grant programmes running. Please contact our advice and information team if you need advice on money.
  • Talking with other single parents can be so helpful. Register with our Single Parent Forum forum to chat with other single parents across Scotland.

Be part of the story

One Parents Families Scotland campaign for single parents, and your voice is critical. There are many ways to get involved:

  • Attending parental participation groups.
  • Joining our bank of voices who talk to representatives of the Government.
  • Sharing your story (with our support) though our social media channels.
  • Talking with the media about your experiences.

If you’d like to find out more, please call 01324 711271.


68-70 Forgie Cres, Maddiston, Falkirk, FK2 0LZ

01324 711271


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Service manager

Debbie Hamilton

Regional Coordinator