Making the most of your family budget

The cost of living is impacting families up and down the country. Energy, petrol, food and taxes are all rising while income, for many, remains the same.

We have put together some information and links to help you make the most of your family’s budget.


Your budgeting and debt planner

We have put together this self help guide to help you do a weekly budget and contact your creditors. This tool should help you understand what you’re spending and where you might be able to cut costs.


How to budget

A household budget is like a plan for how you’re going to use your money. It helps you decide where your money will go each month, making sure you have enough for the important things and maybe even some fun stuff.


Reduce your living costs

If you want to make the most of your income as fast as possible, one of the best things you can do is reduce your cost of living.


What to do if you are in debt

Once you know your family budget you can start to look at how you can deal with any debts you have.


Money worries

Many single parents worry about money and making ends meet. It’s good to find out as much as you can about any help on offer.


Are you getting all the benefits you should be?

In order to maximise your income, check you are getting all the benefits you are entitled to.