How can I arrange child maintenance?
Last updated: 23/01/2025
You can arrange child maintenance in 3 different ways.
For help arranging child maintenance using the Child Maintenance Service see:
The 3 ways to arrange child maintenance are through:
- a private arrangement
- using a solicitor
- using the Child Maintenance Service (CMS).
Making a private arrangement
A private arrangement is an informal agreement made between you and your child’s other parent. It has the advantage of being free, flexible and considers both parent’s circumstances.
You and your child’s other parent would decide between you how much, when, for how long and how child maintenance is paid. There is no right or wrong with this method, as it is up to you as individuals with your child’s best interests at heart. This arrangement works best if you can both agree on how much should be paid.
A private agreement is not legally binding so, if circumstances change, you and your child’s other parent can make new arrangements.
If you or your child’s other parent are not willing or able to do this you may need to use a solicitor or the Child Maintenance Service to help.
Family mediators such as Relationships Scotland can help parents to make a private arrangement if they are finding it difficult to talk to each other.
Arranging child maintenance through a solicitor
In Scotland, child maintenance can be included in a Minute of Agreement. The terms are agreed between both parents with the help of their solicitors. Once a Minute of Agreement is registered in the Books of Council and Session, sheriff officers can take action if maintenance payments stop.
There will be a cost involved in setting up a Minute of Agreement and it is not as flexible as a private agreement.
If you have a Minute of Agreement you cannot use the Child Maintenance Service for the next 12 months.
Using the Child Maintenance Service
If you are unable to make a private child maintenance arrangement you can use the Child Maintenance Service.
The Child Maintenance Service can help you arrange child maintenance payments for children up to, and including, 19 years old, if you still get Child Benefit for them.
In Scotland, children aged 12 and over can apply to the Child Maintenance Service themselves.
Child Maintenance Service fee
On the 26th of February 2024 the £20 fee to access the Child Maintenance Service was removed, ensuring no child misses out on child maintenance.
Child maintenance self-service website
Once you have a case open with the Child Maintenance Service you can use their website to manage it. The online service is available for parents and employers. You will need your customer reference number, a PIN and national insurance number to log in.
You can:
- view statements and make payments
- update personal details
- view letters and send messages
For more information and to view your online account visit: