Fair Child Maintenance
Last updated: 21/02/2020
- Marion Davis, Head of Policy and Strategy
See our information on child maintenance arrangements.
Root-and-branch review of Child Maintenance Service needed to lift children out of poverty
One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS) is calling for a root-and-branch review by the UK Government of the Child Maintenance Service (CMS) to make it fit for purpose and lift single parents and their children out of poverty.
Westminster Work and Pensions Committee Inquiry into the CMS
The House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee has held various inquiries into how effective the CMS is at ensuring Child Maintenance reaches children. OPFS evidence on the Child Maintenance Service effectiveness in ensuring regular payments for children and recommendations to improve the service. It draws on qualitative feedback from OPFS ongoing case work collection with single parents and an on-line and paper-based survey with 96 single parents across Scotland in 2016.