Money worries

Last updated: 30/01/2025

Many single parents worry about money and making ends meet. It’s good to find out as much as you can about any help on offer, as well as knowing yourself and your own spending habits.

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My money

Many single parents worry about money and making ends meet. It’s good to find out as much as you can about any help on offer, as well as knowing yourself and your own spending habits.

The drop-down sections below are about some steps you can take to feel more in control, and to manage your money and any worries about it a little better.

Coping with money worries

Even when money is tight, there are things you can do to keep on top of things. The more you know, the better you’ll feel. Find out what you’re due and what’s out there.

Spending and shopping

  • You probably hear this a lot, but that’s because it works: do a meal plan, then do a shopping list and stick to it. That way you’ll buy only what you need and won’t be tempted to look at other things in the shop.
  • Look up cheap recipes online. There are loads of sites. Get your children involved by making a family recipe book with all their favourite meals.
  • Be shop-savvy! Many shops run discounts and deals around closing time.

When you’re buying:

  • Check prices and shop around for discounts.
  • Try not to shop when you’re feeling hungry as you’ll be tempted to buy more.
  • Try swapping branded foods for own brands or value brands, a few at a time.

Find out much more about spending and shopping

Money and children

  • It’s natural to want to give your children special times and presents, especially for big occasions like birthdays and so on. Can you keep it reasonable? Young children can’t tell the difference between something that costs 50p and £50.
  • Saying no to your children doesn’t mean you’re a bad parent. Far from it. It’s showing them that the opposite is true. You are teaching them important lessons which will help them as they grow up.
  • When you can’t afford something, be honest with your children. Explain what the situation is and how you’re handling it, rather than leaving them in the dark, or thinking that you’re being mean and unfair. Children are more likely to accept your decision if they understand your reasons for it.

Find out much more about money and children

Money and worry

Money causes worry for many single parent families. It’s easy to see why. A lot of it is about things that you can’t do anything about.

  • There are steps you can take to try to break this cycle and to feel a bit more on top of things. Mental health charity Mind has useful information on money and mental health, including tips for managing anxiety over bills and assessments, avoiding overspending when you’re unwell, and sharing your worries with others.

Find out much more about money and worry

Energy price cap calculator – how much will I pay from January 2025?

Take a look at Money Savings expert website to calculate how much you might have to pay for your gas and electric bill.

The energy price cap is misnamed – there’s no cap on how much you pay. The cap is actually on the standing charges and the unit rates for gas and electricity, and this means if you use more energy, you’ll pay more.

Calculate your gas and electric bill