Scottish Social Security Benefits & Local Authority Discretionary Payments
See our research and submissions to consultations below.
Adult Disability Payment - Consultation OPFS Submission
The Adult Disability Payment will replace the UK Personal Independence Payment and be delivered by Social Security Scotland. This assistance is provided to disabled people between 16 and state pension age to mitigate additional costs of living with a disability or health condition.
Scottish Child Payment
The Scottish Government plans to use their new social security powers to introduce a new benefit to tackle child poverty. This new financial support will be delivered by Social Security Scotland and called the Scottish Child Payment.
Improving Benefit take up is vital in the challenge of eradicating child poverty
OPFS evidence into inquiry says it is vital that single parents access the social security benefits to which they are entitled. The report highlights the main factors influencing non-take-up of benefit.
OPFS Submission to Scottish Government Disability Assistance Consultation
OPFS consulted with single parents about their views on the consultation and to share some of their knowledge and experience to inform our response to the Scottish Government.
New Job Grant for young people facing barriers to gaining employment
OPFS organised workshops to enable young single mothers to give feedback on their experiences of the UK social security system and their views on the new Job Grant.
Scottish government consultation on fraud in the social security system
OPFS welcomes the commitment that the Scottish Social Security Agency will treat those who use the service with dignity, respect and fairness.
Welfare Foods - consultation on meeting needs of children and families in Scotland
OPFS recognises that for many families headed by a single parent, maintaining a healthy diet is a daily financial challenge, particularly in the context of punitive UK welfare reform.
Best Start Grant Draft Regulations
OPFS submission to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the draft regulations for the Best Start Grant welcomed it as an encouraging step forward for Scotland.
Closure of Glasgow Job Centres
OPFS challenged the proposals to close 50% of jobcentres in Glasgow because of the impact on single parent families and set up a petition.
Evidence to the Welfare Reform Committee on Future Social Security Powers
OPFS argued that newly devolved social security powers for Scotland reflect the SCoWR Principles of adequacy, respect, accessibility, participation, and relevance to Scotland embedded in the new system.
Evidence to Welfare Reform Committee on Welfare Reform and Women
Our submission highlighted that the fear and threat of sanctions is sometimes forcing mothers into making decisions they would not choose, as parents, to make in the best interests of their children.
Submission on Council Tax Reduction (Scotland) Regulations 2021
Scottish government analysis of impact of revisions to Council Tax Reduction Scheme for working-age caseload in receipt of universal credit
Scottish Welfare Fund Joint Briefing
See the joint briefing paper from One Parent Families Scotland, Aberlour & Child Poverty Action Group.