Benefits have changed

The benefits system has undergone a major change with the introduction of Universal Credit.

This information is about the benefits that have been replaced by Universal Credit, when they will stop and how that will affect you. 


What benefits have changed?

There have been a number of changes to the UK benefits system.


Conditionality and sanctions

Changes to Universal Credit in-work conditionality requires people who are claiming and not working enough hours or earning under the new threshold to look for more or better paid work or face sanctions.


What is universal credit?

Universal credit is a benefit that has gradually been introduced across the UK.


Moving to Universal Credit

If you are getting one of the benefits being replaced by Universal Credit you will be sent a letter ‘inviting’ you to claim Universal Credit instead.


Tax credits

No new claims can be made for this benefit. If you are getting tax credits at the moment you will continue to do so until your circumstances change or you are invited to claim Universal Credit instead.


Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance and New style Jobseeker’s Allowance

No new claims can be made for this benefit. If you are getting income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance at the moment you will continue to do so until your circumstances change or you are invited to claim Universal Credit instead.


Income Support

If you are getting Income Support at the moment you will continue to do so until your circumstances change or you are invited to claim Universal Credit instead.


Income-related Employment and Support Allowance and New Style Employment and Support Allowance

No new claims can be made for this benefit. If you are getting income-related Employment and Support Allowance at the moment you will continue to do so until your circumstances change or you are invited to claim Universal Credit instead.


Housing Benefit

No new claims can be made for this benefit. If you are getting Housing Benefit at the moment you will continue to do so until your circumstances change or you are invited to claim Universal Credit instead.


Useful contacts

The Lone Parent Helpline provides support and advice on anything from dealing with a break-up, moving into work or sorting out child maintenance, benefits or tax credit issues.