Help with fuel costs

Last updated: 09/01/2025

It’s not easy balancing the cost of living alongside fuel prices reaching an all-time high. We have compiled some useful information here to try and help you deal with your fuel costs.

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The Energy Price Cap has also just changed as of January 1st 2025.

We have compiled some information about the different options available to you for payment support this winter. We have also included some details about what the Energy Price Cap change will mean for your bills.

Energy Price Cap Change


The Energy Price Cap has just changed on January 1st 2025.

Ofgem reviews and updates the price cap every three months. The next changes will be announced by:

  • 25th February 2025 for the period running from 1st April 2025 to 30th June 2025
  • 26th May 2025 for the period running from 1st July 2025 to 30th September 2025

This means that the Price Cap will change again in April 2025.


What is the Energy Price Cap?

The energy price cap is the highest amount of money that energy suppliers can charge you for each unit of energy and the standing charge (if you’re on a standard variable tariff).

In other words, there’s actually no cap on how much you pay. The cap is on the standing charges and the unit rates for gas and electricity. This means if you use more energy, you’ll pay more.


How will this affect my bills?

The amount you pay will depend on actual household usage and where you live as well as meter and payment type.

The current Energy Price Cap, as of January 1st 2025, is an increase of 1.2% compared to the cap set between 1st October to 31st December 2024.

If you would like to find out how much you will be paying in energy bills, The Money Saving Expert website has a useful Energy Price Cap Calculator. This calculator can be a useful tool when budgeting and figuring out how the change will affect you.


How can I manage the increase in energy prices after Christmas?

We know that whilst Christmas can be the most exciting time of year for the wee ones, it often becomes one of the most stressful for parents everywhere, especially when January comes around and debts start piling up. When the extra cost of fuel is added to the mix, you might feel like you don’t know where to start.

We have a couple of options here which might be of use:

It can sometimes be really useful to connect with others who are experiencing similar worries. Our parent forum is a place for any and all single parents to feel welcomed and to cherish a sense of community.

We understand that opening up might feel a bit embarrassing or frightening. Our forum is full of likeminded individuals with similar worries and stresses. It is a safe place for you to vent if you need to. Other parents often respond with shared experiences and solutions and our advisors monitor messages daily, responding to as many queries as possible.


There are different discounts, grants and payments available to Scottish residents to help with fuel costs this winter.


Warm Home Discount


What is it and who is it for?

You may be eligible for the Warm Home Discount. This is a one-off payment of £150 which goes towards your electricity bill.

Each supplier has slightly different eligibility requirements. As a rule of thumb, in Scotland you qualify:

  • If you are getting the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit. In this case, you won’t need to apply and the discount will be added automatically by your supplier
  • If you are on a low income  and you meet your specific energy supplier’s criteria for eligibility. In this case, you will need to contact your supplier to find out if you are eligible

Contact your supplier to find out if you can get the discount on your gas bill instead. This option will be available if your supplier provides you with gas and electricity and if they say that you’re eligible.

Apply as soon as you can as application windows are short and are on a first-come first-served basis. The window that you can apply in is different for each supplier, so contact your supplier to find out more.


How does it work?

The one-off payment will be paid into your electricity account (usually around March), not into your bank account.

The discount won’t affect any other payments or benefits like Winter Heating Payment or Winter Fuel Payment.

If you have received the discount automatically in the past you should check to see if you will need to re-apply. Most of the energy companies will contact you to let you know that you don’t need to re-apply.


How to apply

The main way to apply is to get in touch with your energy supplier. We have compiled some links below to different energy suppliers’ information about the Warm Home Discount.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the information, or want to talk it through, we’re here to talk. Contact our Helpline on 0808 801 0323 for support, or if you prefer to you can message our Webchat between 9:30 and 4pm Monday to Friday.


Energy company pages about the Warm Home Discount

If you want to find out if your supplier is part of the scheme or when their applications are open, check their website or get in touch with them directly.

Remember that the discount is offered on a first-come-first-served basis so apply as soon as possible.


Winter Heating Payment

What is it?

The Cold Weather Payment has now become the Winter Heating Payment in Scotland.

Winter Heating Payment is a one-off payment to help people with fuel costs who already receive certain benefits. If you are eligible you will receive your payment between December 2024 until January 2025. The amount will be £58.75.


How does it work?

The Winter Heating Payment is paid once a year. There is a “qualifying week” each year, where your situation is assessed by Social Security Scotland. They figure out if you are eligible by considering which benefits you get in this particular week.

The previous qualifying week was 4th November to 10th November 2024, and the qualifying week for 2025 has not been announced yet. You can check what your situation will need to look like in that week in order to be eligible.


How to apply

If you are eligible for the payment, you won’t need to apply. It will be paid to you automatically.

To be eligible for the Winter Heating Payment, you will need to already receive certain benefits such as:

  • Pension Credit
  • Income Support
  • Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Universal Credit
  • Support for Mortgage Interest


What if support falls through?

This is an automatic payment based on Social Security Scotland’s records of your benefits so it should be sent through correctly.

If you’re concerned that you have missed a Winter Heating Payment, you can contact Social Security Scotland to request a payment.

If you need more urgent help with paying your fuel costs, the Scottish Welfare Fund can help you with emergency costs in 2 ways:

You can only apply to these through your local council. You won’t be able to apply to these through the Scottish Government or Social Security Scotland.


Winter Fuel Payment

Despite the similar name, the Winter Fuel Payment is not the same as the Winter Heating Payment. To get the Winter Fuel Payment you must live in England or Wales.

This payment is not available to Scottish residents.

There is more information about the Winter Fuel Payment.



Useful links

More info on the Warm Home Discount

More info on the Winter Heating Payment

More info on the Energy Price Cap

Support with fuel costs