Single parent consultation – Your views, your priorities


One Parent Families Scotland provides family services in local communities and a unique national, single parent information and advice service. OPFS campaigns for policies which support single parents and their children to live free of stigma, discrimination, and poverty to achieve their potential.

As part of our plans for the future we want to know what the key issues are which single parents say affect their family and what they think can be improved.

We also want to know your views on what services & support OPFS should provide, both nationally and locally, in areas where we deliver community-based services.

What policies do you think OPFS should campaign on so that single parent families live free of stigma, discrimination, and poverty?

We want to make sure we capture the diversity of single parents. We would like to ask you a few questions to make sure our report takes account of gender, equalities and takes a human rights perspective.

You can also help us to reach as many single parents as possible by sharing the survey far and wide – see our suggested social media posts and images.

Please answer the questions below or click here to open survey in a new window.