Child poverty statistics published today are damning evidence that children in single parent families are still at a much higher risk of poverty.



The Department of Work Pensions released annual UK poverty statistics on 21st March 2024

The latest UK Government statistics show that 240 000 children (24% of all children) lived in poverty in Scotland in 2023. The figures show there was practically no change in child poverty levels between 2021 and 2023 but don’t yet include the overall impact of the roll out of the Scottish child payment to older children and its increase to £25 in November 2022.

The statistics show child poverty is rising across the UK with 100,000 more children poverty, meaning 4.3 million (30%) were now in poverty.

In Scotland, child poverty rates are lower but have stalled, indicating that much more still needs to be done to help life children out of poverty and meet the Scottish Government’s targets on tackling child poverty.

The statistics highlight the inequalities faced by single parent families and the need for greater support for this group. Across the UK:

  • 44% of children in single parent households are in relative poverty after housing costs. (This compares to 26% of children with couple parents.)
  • 1 in 5 children with single parents in full-time paid work are in poverty. (This compares to 7% of children living with two parents in full-time work.)
  • Over 1 in 3 (35%) children with single parents in part-time paid work are in poverty. (This compares to 66% of children with couple parents where one or both parents are in part-time work, with neither in full-time work.)
  • A shocking 70% of children with single parents who are out of paid work are living in poverty. (This compares to 76% of children with couple parents who are both out of work.)
  • The overall percentage of children with single parents who are in poverty has remained the same since last year.
  • But while child poverty for those with single parents in work have gone down slightly, poverty has risen amongst those whose parent is not in work from 61% to 70% – the highest since 2016/17. This mirrors an overall rise in poverty for children in households where nobody is in paid work, which is now at its highest since 2007 at 53%.
These statistics make for sobering reading on Single Parents Day. Without two full-time incomes in the household, children are at an unacceptably high risk of poverty, which leaves children in single parent families at a severe disadvantage. Simply telling parents to ‘work more’ – which the UK Government is doing through increasingly unrealistic work requirements for Universal Credit – does nothing to help when there are no hours left in the day, or when the wage parents receive isn’t enough to keep children out of poverty

- Marion Davis, Director of Policy, Communications and Strategy

Marion Davis, One Parent Families Scotland Director of Policy, Communications and Strategy commented:

“These statistics make for sobering reading on Single Parents Day, as they underline just how far we have to go before children in single parent families are given a fair chance in life. These figures are a damning indictment of the UK government’ s two-child limit and benefit cap policies.

“Without two full-time incomes in the household, children are at an unacceptably high risk of poverty.

“This leaves children in single parent families at a severe disadvantage because, there is only one income in the home. Working full-time can also be a significantly greater challenge for parents who have no partner with whom to share childcare and household responsibilities.

“This is why adequate social security is so vital to keep children in single parent families out of poverty. Simply telling parents to ‘work more’ – which the UK Government is doing through its increasingly unrealistic work requirements for parents on Universal Credit – does nothing to help when there are no hours left in the day in which to work, or when the wage parents are receiving isn’t even enough to keep their children out of poverty.

“Steps taken by the Scottish Government like the ground-breaking Scottish Child Payment, the three new Best Start Grants and increased free childcare has undoubtedly helped keep a greater proportion of children in single parent families out of poverty than the rest of the UK. Mitigating the effects of punitive UK social security measures such as the bedroom tax and the benefit cap have also made a huge difference.

“However, with so many children still in poverty and inequalities persisting, targeted action is urgently needed to create a Scotland where all children can have the best start in life. This should include increasing the Scottish Child Payment to £30 and providing a top-up for parents under 25, whose children face high levels of poverty and who receive even less support through Universal Credit.

“We also need to see systemic changes to break down barriers to higher paid jobs for those with caring responsibilities. This means increased investment in an affordable childcare infrastructure and flexible work with fair wages, as well as single parent tailored employability support to build skills and confidence.

“At the moment, single parents are concentrated in lower paid, insecure work, and many parents tell us that a lack of understanding and flexibility from employers has been a major barrier to their progression.

“These statistics tell us exactly what the consequences of those barriers are, and none of us should be able to live with that.”