Updates from the NHS


Virtual Person Centred Visiting
Greater Glasgow & Clyde are now launching a scheme as part of our Person Centred Visiting programme to increase virtual visiting through the purchase of 100 iPads, complete with FaceTime, Skype and Zoom.
The iPads will be distributed to all acute and mental health hospitals this week to let patients and family keep in touch during this time of very restricted visiting
For more information, please email virtual.visit@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.

Key websites to support your mental health and wellbeing
You may be worried about yourself and your family and how you can look after your mental health at this time. It’s normal to feel stressed, scared, confused and even angry during these times. If you have any of those feelings only get information and advice from credible and reliable sources. Limit the amount of time you spend checking the news and avoid some of the ‘fake news’ stories that are going around.
NHS Inform will give you all the advice you need to keep yourself safe. Also, see our list of helplines if you need to speak to someone during this period or you require urgent support.
New App from NHS Scotland
This new app enables you to get an isolation note to give your employer as proof you need to stay off work because of COVID-19 – You DON’T need to get a note from your GP.