2024 – Meet up

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 months ago by H.
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    • #14851 Report Abuse

      Hi all,

      It’s a while since I’ve posted but wanted to see how folks are doing….?

      It seems we all struggle with similar challenges – loneliness, the responsibility of being a single parents, mental health struggles and children with additional support needs to name a few. I can relate to all these things and as much as this forum is nice in the sense we are in similar situations, I personally feel it’d be better if there was a regular in person catch up type thing which I’ve mentioned previously on here. I think it would help so many just to get out and speak with people who really “get” the situation we are all in.

      I joined meet up (massively out of my comfort zone as I’m more of a one to one kind of person but felt it was crucial to combat loneliness). I am meeting lovely similar folks (vegan/lgbt) but the challenge is that many work and I do not due to a variety of very valid reasons so meet ups are pretty pricey. Luckily I am an organiser so can create more budget friendly events which’s good but I’d rather just have one person who I know well to hang out with who knows me well. My friends all work and have partners so this accentuates my feelings of being less than although I don’t think this way about others who don’t work and are single parents at all. I do practice CBT but it’s tiring having the same recurrent thoughts.

      I’m not into social media because it simply doesn’t do me any good mentally speaking. The reason I mention this is because I know there would be opportunities to meet single parents there but it’s not an option for me.

      I’m wondering….. If anyone would be interested in joining one of my vegan meet ups if I let you all know when I plan to post it on meet up? It’s for vegan curious/vegan folks and there’s also a Whatsapp group I’m part of for lgbtq+ folks so if that’s something of interest we could swap details on the vegan meet up. 🙂

      H 🙂

    • #14852 Report Abuse

      Hi H,
      I would like very much to join your vegan meetup. How do I join?
      Thank you 🙂

      • #14854 Report Abuse

        Hi mumof2,

        If you join the Meetup group called Vegan Edinburgh on the meet up app. I will be creating an event soon but there are other great vegan events already on there and the people are lovely!

        H 🙂

    • #14855 Report Abuse

      Thanks H!
      I will join.
      All the best

      • #14872 Report Abuse

        Hey mumof2,

        I’ll be creating events when the weather settles down a bit so looking to do that February time but others have events up now. See you at the next one.

        H 🙂

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