Reply To: Introduce yourself…

I have 1 child, she is 2.5 years old. She makes me laugh daily. Today was with how sweet she was, chatting about an older man that helps out at the toddlers group she goes to with her childminder… she describes him as ‘just very wonderful.’ She adores this almost 80 year old man and their short time doing a craft each week.
I joined this as I was hopeful for a sense of belonging. I dont feel I fit in with a lot of single parent supports as I don’t co-parent, we have absolutely zero input or contact with her ‘dad’ in any way, shape or form BUT I didn’t choose to be a single/lone/solo parent so I feel like I dont belong with that group of people either.
Honestly, probably finances and that lack of me time is that hardest part of being a single mum that works full time.
I enjoy not having to compromise on my parenting strategies or having to share my baby (I’m an only child clearly hahaha).
My hobby is that I play lawn bowls. Not always relaxing depending on the level of competition but I love it and I usually have my girl there as its pretty family friendly. I gave up other hobbies when I was pregnant as most of them were all sport and exercise centred.