Your home

Deciding where to live often depends on your income and the choices or options available to you. Our information includes support when renting and owning a home.


Housing options

Information on renting or buying your home and your housing options when you separate from your partner.


Winter Heating Payment

Winter Heating Payment has replaced Cold Weather Payment in Scotland. It is a payment of £55.05, from the Scottish Government, to help with the cost of fuel.


Heating your home

You may be eligible to apply for a credit of £140 to your pre-payment meter or your bill under certain circumstances.


Energy saving tips and information

News updates for single parents

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Our news updates reflect the work of One Parent Families Scotland and the issues affecting single parents today.

Single Parent FAQs: Summer Holiday Support – Issue 31


Answers to the most recently frequently asked questions on Summer Holidays.

Single Parent FAQs: Child Contact Arrangements – Issue 30


Answers to the most frequently asked questions on Child Contact Arrangements.

Single Parent FAQs: Scottish Benefits – Issue 29
