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  • in reply to: What is the most difficult thing about being a single parent? #12316

    Fighting so hard for your children to see the other parent and being made to feel bad when the kids finally realise what a waste of space he is. Father accuses me of denying contact and turning the kids against him when in fact he has done that all by himself with his inconsistent contact and abandoning them to live in another country. Now back in the country and still not making the effort to come and see the kids.
    Made even worse by his mother sticking her nose in and claiming that I’m also denying her contact – truth is that I’ve maintained regular video calls and have taken my children 180 miles several times a year to visit her. She doesn’t bother to visit them despite being a short distance away when she visits her daughter.

    in reply to: What is the most difficult thing about being a single parent? #12206

    Thanks H. Yeah I’m ok. Going through a tough patch just now but we’ll get through like we always do!

    That’s a shame that your mum moans about helping out 😔

    in reply to: Celebrate the best thing about being a single parent… #12198

    Knowing that it’s my input alone that has helped my kids grow up and thrive.
    Always managing to succeed despite life throwing curveballs constantly.

    Yep I know about the Single Parents Day. I’m not sure how to celebrate.

    in reply to: What is the most difficult thing about being a single parent? #12197

    Seeing your kids constantly being let down by the other parent.
    Getting no financial help from the other parent and always having to say no to the children when they ask for treats.
    Having to rely on my mum for childcare as there is no other option in the local area (rural area, childcare located in nearest town which is 7 miles away).
    Feeling lonely when the kids are in bed. Stuck in a rut of work and housework unless finances are good.

    in reply to: Introduce yourself… #11738

    Hi, I’m Cheryl.

    1. How old are your children, and name one thing they’ve done recently that made you laugh?
    I have two boys aged 12 and 8.
    My youngest describing a kiwi “well it’s like a kiwi but green and has lumpy bits”

    2. What led you to join the OPFS forum?
    To have more support and to make new friends!

    3. It can be difficult juggling everything as a single parent, mention one thing you find difficult about being a single parent?
    Loneliness and also having to constantly be the one that picks up the pieces after absent father swans in and wrecks everything.

    4. Mention one thing that you like about being a single parent?
    Ability to do what I like, when I like without being constantly judged or moaned at!

    5. Tell us about a hobby or something you like to do for fun or relax? It could just be something small that you are able to fit in after your children are in bed.
    I love taking photos!

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